Saturday, February 7, 2015

10 Ways To Keep Relationships Clean

A few late night thoughts on keeping things clean in dating relationships. Enjoy! :)

  1. Clothes are not optional
    Be cute, be fashionable, and be freakin’ hot, but do all of this in your clothes.
  2. If no one’s home, then you don’t need to be home
    It may seem dumb but things can go downhill way too quickly when you know someone's not going to walk in a room with the two of you in it.
  3. Cars are grand when they’re being driven
    Accidents happen when cars stationary. Plain and simple.
  4. Hands to hands, lips to lips. 
    Hands and lips are the only things that should touch. Nothing else. Plain and simple.
  5. Pray for the date before he pays for the date
    If he can’t pray for the date before he pays, he doesn’t deserve your time.
  6. God gives long legs for a reason. 
    Have no issue with running if you ever feel the need to.
  7. And God said, “Let there be light…” 
    And the lights always stayed on. Let me reiterate, NOTHING good happens in the dark.
  8. Stay vertical.
    A disaster in the making occurs when the world is shifted and viewed from a horizontal angle.
  9. Give someone that your trust the opportunity to see into your relationship
    No hidden texts. No minimized computer screens. No lies.
  10. Listen to Jesus. 
    He has the ultimate say in relationships with your best in mind. Listen to His whispers (and yells sometimes).

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