Tuesday, January 6, 2015

A Perfect Plan in the Messiest Mess

I did something yesterday afternoon that I don't think I've EVER done before. For the first time in walking out of my office, I left papers strewn about my desk, file folders with pages out of them, and post it notes galore. Long story short, I left a big, stressful mess upon my desk.

For many, this isn't anything out of the ordinary. For me, this is a RARE occurrence. But as I made it out of my office, the Lord began teaching me something.

I love cleanliness. I love organization. Even more, I love a plan. To me, a mess complicates all of this.

God began speaking to my heart that sometimes it's okay to have a "messy" life. The organization of what I THINK He has in store and what I believe may be the "perfect" 5-year plan, sometimes, aren't really what He has in store. I know He has a plan, but more and more I'm seeing that His plan is so much greater and better than even my "perfect" plan.

So from now on, I'm learning that it's okay to have a mess every now and then; God is the one who can take that mess and transform it to the perfect plan.

I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb. Before you were born I set you apart. (Jeremiah 1:5)

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