Thanks to Timehop, little reminders from previous District Fine Arts Festivals are filling the app each and every day now. To say I don’t miss those days would be an enormous lie.
Five years ago around this time I began my first Fine Arts season. Throughout five district festival and three national festivals, I was taught true determination, a lot of patience, and most of all God’s calling upon my life.
I’m beyond thankful that Fine Arts has taught me more than any “how to” book ever could.
1. No matter what, it’s about Jesus.
--It took me almost five years to understand but when Nationals is over all that has happened through the year is done. I learned to perform like Jesus was in the room and I didn’t just want my ministry to just be “good.”
2. The devil took a pit stop at a Fine Arts Festival when he fell from Heaven.
--If you’ve ever felt the stress of one, you’d understand.
3. Meltdowns are an always.
--Bed Bath & Beyond’s floor, a Detroit10 hotel hallway, the PHX11 airport, the Russvegas IHOP after night one to just name a few. By my last year, I was mentally prepared for a meltdown at some point during Fine Arts season.
4. No matter what your scoresheet says, it’s only 3 people’s opinion.
--Every single district FAF I’ve been at I’ve heard this said by my wonderful DYD. This also took a while to understand the true meaning. I’ve seen NFAF merit winners walk away from God’s calling and I’ve seen people who didn’t even qualify for Nationals be so actively used by God; your score is only three people’s opinion.
5. Celebration Ceremony is simply one of the best nights.
--My last celebration ceremony wasn’t just a celebration of the merit winners but even more so what God was able to accomplish in five years of Fine Arts Festival.
6. No matter how many reminders you send, someone will always for get something.
--Whether it be when practice starts or their drumsticks for Worship Band at Nationals, I could always count on this.
7. When Springfield says registrations are due June 10th, they aren’t going to take them on June 12th.
--The final deadline for Nationals is much like the Rapture; if you miss it, you ain't getting in and are just straight outta luck.
8. Chances are you’ll watch hundreds of human videos over time and totally understand maybe five.
--I’m pretty sure that after five years of being in this I’ve seen a whole three human videos I could completely explain to someone else.
9. If you don’t have it by the time you’re there, practicing in the hallways isn’t gonna help.
--When you congregate in the hallway attempting to get your last practice in, you’re not gonna learn it any better there.
10. You will never see a group of teenagers look as rachet as they do on the bus ride home from nationals.
--There is nothing like rolling out the floor of a church van after sleeping for three hours to see another church van of rachets just like yourself.